This reminds me of the line often used in Western movies: "Where can you get a drink in this town?"

As you can see, this squirrel was determined to get some water. He could smell it, I guess, but there's simply no possible way he'd ever be able to get to it. Still, he was there for several minutes trying to puzzle it out. Squirrels are notorious thieves--getting into all sorts of things we'd prefer that they'd leave alone--but in this case all that skill was to no avail. He never got that drink.
As you can see, this squirrel was determined to get some water. He could smell it, I guess, but there's simply no possible way he'd ever be able to get to it. Still, he was there for several minutes trying to puzzle it out. Squirrels are notorious thieves--getting into all sorts of things we'd prefer that they'd leave alone--but in this case all that skill was to no avail. He never got that drink.
On a good day, determination can get you a long way! Sorry it didn't work for him! :)
That is the greatest photo of these rascals. My border collie keeps them away from my bird feeders. LOL
I really enojyed your pictures, I'll be back to check them out again! Thanks for stopping our blog!
I am missing your pics!
Sorry about that, Anna. I've been lazy and only updating my other blog.
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